Declare your desire to achieve excellence in every area of your life! Learn how to create a powerful personal declaration statement!
Words are powerful and the most effective way of manifesting your desires. Your words turn into thoughts, your thoughts turn into feelings, and your feelings turn into action or inaction.
Say or believe something long enough, and you can bet it will become real.
As someone who is into personal development, you are likely familiar with affirmations and how consistently affirming your desires can lead to them becoming true. But what do you know about declarations?
From birth, we are often told who we are suppose to be. While this can sometimes be a good thing, what if you were told time and time again that “you are a loser who will never amount to anything”?
Such statements are dangerous because they can set into motion the actualization of an unwanted occurrence. In order to counteract their negative effects, we must consciously replace them with our own declarations.
Indeed, creating an empowering Personal Declaration Statement is one of the most important investments you can make. It can give you the resolve and personal agency to create the life you want.
Difference Between Affirmations And Declarations
Both affirmations and declarations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind and encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world in order to create the reality we want.
The dictionary defines the former as to state something “positively, to confirm” and defines the latter as to “make known officially, formally, to make evident.”
But despite their seeming interchangeability, there are a number of key differences between affirmations and declarations that you must be aware of.
Declarations Reflect The Present
Affirmations are basically statements that try to get you from one place to another. They are expressions of who you think you are not, but hope to be someday.
A declaration, on the other hand, is a written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief. In other words, when you declare something, you are stating to yourself and to the universe that you already are this thing or person.
With affirmations, you are waiting for the future. With decelerations, you are being in the present.
Declarations Express Intent To Achieve
Declaring your desires more strongly communicates a commitment to achieve them. You don’t simply hope your dreams will come true — you know they will!
Whereas with an affirmation, you are basically concealing a self-limiting belief with a positive thought, with a declaration, you are doing away with the limiting beliefs altogether and starting afresh.
Declarations can get your mind and your intent clarified and focused on the changes needed in your life right now to manifest whatever you desire.
Benefits Of Personal Declaration Statements
Whether you are into personal development or not, having a Personal Declaration Statement can provide you with a number of incredible benefits.
- It can be used as a pep talk to overcome your fears and anxiety, allowing you to rise to the occasion
- When used in the morning, It gives you energy to start your day strong
- Helps keep you grounded and centred emotionally throughout the day
- Fosters balance, clarity and peace of mind, increasing focus and productivity in turn
- Makes you more impervious to the unfavorable action of others and what’s going on around you
Personal declarations make you aware that you should be taking action towards your goals. They embolden you to face your fears to achieve results.
Should You Declare Your Dreams And Desires?
If you want your dreams to come true, you must always speak about them positively. But while you should definently declare them to yourself with power and intent, should you declare them openly?
As it turns out, individuals who keep their goals to themselves out of fear that people with bad intentions will sabotage them may actually not be overreacting. Scientific studies have uncovered several reasons why openly declaring your goals and desires to anyone willing listen might not be a good idea:
- Receiving premature praise for a goal that is closely tied to your identity makes you complacent and less likely to achieve it.
- Receiving “person praise” (feedback related to you as an individual) instead of “process praise” (feedback related to the method taken) could decrease your motivation.
- If your starting off, getting negative feedback can discourage you from moving forward.
- Hearing about competition and being compared to other people might make you back off.
- Having someone monitor you with the intent of controlling your behavior could decrease your motivation.
There are several important caveats to consider with these points, however. First, they are about optimizing your chances of success rather than determining it. The most crucial factor in achieving anything in life is your effort and dedication.
Second, everyone is different, and what works best for you might not work for the majority of the study subjects.
Don’t be afraid of making public declarations, but take the following precautions when you do:
- Share with a friend, not a stranger. Make sure this person doesn’t suffer from a personality disorder (narcissism, sociopathy, etc) and is willing to accommodate your requests when giving you feedback.
- Share process goals, not outcomes or identities. For example, tell friends you plan to put 50% of your earnings towards paying off your debts instead of telling them you will be debt-free within a year.
- Ask for “process praise” rather than “person praise”. Seek compliments for your effort or the strategy used to achieve results, rather than compliments for your innate intelligence or talents.
- Ask for positive feedback when you’re starting off and for negative feedback later on.
Remember, unwavering dedication to realizing your goals is what will make you successful.
Believe in yourself so that unwanted influence of other people’s opinions diminish, and so that it becomes easier for you to feel strong in your declarations.
5 Tips For Building Personal Declaration Statements
Like affirmations, declarations and proclamations can empower you to face your fears and take action towards your dreams.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating your Personal Declaration Statement:
1. Make It Personal
Your personal declarations should be unique to you. It can include your traits and beliefs, what you stand for, what is important to you, and how you look at life.
How do you choose to feel and interact with others each day?
2. Go Big, Shoot For The Sky
You are a lot more capable than you think you are, so set your goals or ambitions very high.
Don’t be deterred or even ashamed of having big and lofty dreams… Like Alexander the Great, Einstein, and Mandela big!
3. Kill Your Doubts, Have No Limits
The only thing holding you back from achieving anything you want is your mind. As long as you have the right attitude, take action, get back up when you’re knocked down, and never stop believing in yourself, anything should be possible.
Rules are for the people who made them, so set your own rules and don’t let others control or define you.
4. Give It Time To Evolve And Grow
The path to success and happiness isn’t linear. There will be delays, detours, losing your way, and changing plans, so try not to feel rushed.
Be open to change. Your declaration statement is a living document, one that evolves as you evolve. You may remove some items and add new ones.
5. Understand Yourself By Asking Others
While you should not define yourself by what other people say or think, asking others for their opinion can help you understand things about yourself that you may not have realized.
Ask the people you trust what they think your strengths are and what you have to offer the world. If you disagree with anyone’s observations, that’s OK! But at least consider what they have to say.
6. Don’t Hold Back When Building Your Dream
Don’t hold anything back, and don’t be ashamed to have material thoughts and desires. You deserve health, wealth, and happiness!
There is a world of possibilities for your adventurous soul to discover. Make your declaration so personal, so meaningful, and so deep that it gives you chills every time you say it!
Personal Declarations Examples For Every Area Of Your Life
Now that you understand the power of declarations, it’s time for you to create and DECLARE YOUR DESIRES!
The best way to get started is to choose an area of your life you want to focus on, and then create one or more declaration statements that can be readily infused into your everyday conversations with yourself and, if conducive, with others.
For your convenience, I have provided personal declaration samples for the major areas of life. If necessary, modify them to better reflect your desires and life circumstances or develop entirely new ones.
Once you know what you want, declare your desires. Stand strong, feel them deep within you, and see them filling your entire being and expanding all around you.
Say your personal declarations when you wake up every morning, repeat them throughout the day, and state them before you go to sleep. If your personal declaration statement is long and requires reading, then have it memorized.
Doing this will provide a constant reminder of what you have set out to accomplish and what you can do to achieve success. Over time, you will notice that the thoughts instilled by your declarations, combined with your determination to succeed, will become your reality.
Health And Fitness Declarations
Looking after yourself inside and out is fundamental to living a happy, fulfilled life, so achieving optimal health should be your number one priority.
Strive to feel your prime anytime and at any age with the following declarations for optimal health and vitality.
Today, I honor and respect my body and mind’s essential needs for life. I nourish them with the right food, the right thoughts, the right people, and the right environments. I listen to and trust the signals that every part of my being sends me and use them to make the best health choices.
I choose to be full of energy and vitality and have a mind that’s calm and peaceful.
I am getting healthier and stronger everyday.
Declarations For Positive Relationships
Your mental health and personal well being is largely predicated on the quality of your personal relationships, and that’s because close relationships with people you love and trust, more than money or fame, is what will keep you happy throughout your life.
Health and fitness should be your number one priority, but having healthy relationships is also a form of self-care.
These declarations will empower you to build new relationships and maintain existing ones by tending to the good apples and throwing out the rotten ones.
Confrontation is sometimes necessary, so I don’t run away from them.
I surround myself with positive, loving and respectful people, and the love and respect for myself keeps my emotions stable when others do not approve of me.
I have an amazing relationship with everyone I call family or friend, and I constantly go above and beyond to cultivate love and growth in these relationships.
I look out not only for my own interests but also for the interests of others so that I have something to offer the next generation of men.
Declarations For Success In Work And Career
We all want to work in our dream jobs, but only a few of us manage to do so. You don’t have to be one of the unfortunate many.
Be clear with what you want for a job, and stay focused on obtaining it. Whenever you feel doubt or frustration about your career prospects, infuse your subconscious mind and embolden yourself with these declarations for a successful career.
My success is guaranteed, which is why I face my fears and press on against all odds.
Things always work out for me no matter what, and all things lead to my success, happiness and wealth.
People love to work with me, companies apply to work with me, and investors, and venture capital and private equity groups seek me out for my advice.
I breathe success, I talk success, I achieve success, I am success.
Declarations For Financial Freedom
Although people often confuse the two, financial freedom isn’t the same as being rich. It’s possible for a man to be completely financially free earning “just” $25,000 per year, while another could be trapped in debt, even with millions of dollars in assets.
Think of financial freedom as not needing to worry about money or having money be the dominating force in making decisions in your personal or professional life. This makes financial freedom more important than wealth for your health and overall happiness.
If you feel chained down by your bills and financial obligations but haven’t put yourself on a path to financial independence, it’s time to declare your readiness to break free from financial bondage. Proclaim your financial freedom now!
I foster a healthy and respectful relationship with money and open myself up to abundant wealth and prosperity.
Money is attracted to me, and I capitalize on opportunities to make more of it. I have positive monthly cash flow, a strong and healthy savings account, and highly-profitable investments.
Because of this, I drive the cars I want, live in the house I want, wear what I want, travel where I want whenever I want, and am very generous with my friends and community.
Declaration For Lifelong Learning
Education keeps both the body and mind in shape, so your quest for knowledge shouldn’t end at the classroom door or even after you’ve graduated. It should be lifelong.
Make education an essential part of your adult life. Reap the professional and personal benefits of an insatiably curious mind with these declarations for lifelong learning.
I eagerly interact with new people knowing full well that everyone has something valuable to teach me. And when I talk to others, I actively listen to what they have to say so that I can learn from their unique experiences.
When I am presented with a challenge, instead of perceiving the situation negatively, I remember that even the most trying circumstances bring with them a chance to learn something new.
My quest for lifelong learning has blessed me with valuable information to offer others when they need it.
Declarations For Self-Actualization
Self-actualization is the highest level of personal growth a person can attain. It is a lifelong journey of authenticity, acceptance, peace, harmony, love, and compassion.
To be self-actualized means to act in congruence with your true self. It means working hard to become who you want to be in life and reach your full potential.
You are free of fear, self-limiting beliefs, and judgement and imbued with love, strong moral and ethical standards, and a stronger identification with your fellow humans.
Put yourself on the path to self actualization by reading our complete guide to self-actualizing, and by writing a personal declaration statement for reaching your full potential.
I am happy with who I am, what I have, and what I can do right now, and reject the fear and uncertainty that are being conditioned upon me.
I release any blame and take responsibility for my actions, my feelings, and my life.
I choose to be open, tolerant, and truthful — a person full of compassion and unconditional acceptance for my fellow man.
I rise above judgement, expectations and attachments, and move toward gratitude and natural connections.
When challenging situations arise, I respond with loving detachment rather than react impulsively. I accept what I cannot change.
I let go of all limitations that block my self-growth and prevent me from creating the life I want to live.
It’s a joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.
Final Thoughts On Personal Declaration Statements
When creating your personal declaration, the intention should be very specific to you and what you want in life. You can add or remove items to make the statement as powerful and impactful as possible.
No matter how many times you change it, your personal declarations and proclamations will always serve as long-lasting principles to live by. So declare and proclaim to yourself, your family and friends, your community, and to the world your intent to achieve excellence in every major part of your life.
Read your personal declaration statement with POWER and CONVICTION, and notice the extra power it gives you each day.
Say them so often and consistently that they become a habitual part of your daily communication with yourself and others.